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Melissa S Diaz

Bree Excerpts

Melissa S Diaz

Excerpt One
Everthing was shrouded in darkness as a ghostly pale woman ran heedlessly down the steep hill. Twigs snapped beneath her bare, icy feet digging their way into her tender, pink flesh. The sudden warm gushing of blood replaced the numbing cold. Whorzhog, hellish doglike beasts barked their deadly intent close behind her teeth bared through harsh breath.
She didn't have time to brush back the limbs that slapped her repeatedly in the face. her lips were swollen and bruised. She could taste the blood, metallic on her tongue. Blinded by tears she stumbled forward and smacked her face hard on a stone jutting from the earth. The world spun violently as she fought the urge to collapse.
Excerpt Two
Near the castle the pines were losing their luster and some were even dying. Their needles blackened, fell to the ground. Their trunks looking scorched by unseen fire.
A sickness was spreading. Animals fled from its presence for everything it touched was contaminated. The streams were beginning to run black and people were beginning to thirst in the areas it infected.
Calyce sat upon her throne, eyes blackened, circles formed below them. Her lips had turned to ebony, her skin bleached. She looked of death. She carried the poison now in her skin, her blood, and everything she touched. If she couldn't find her enemies she'd flush them out by any means necessary. She tainted the land with her evil and wouldn't stop until she had what she wanted.

Excerpts from Bree novel by Melissa S Diaz
copyright 2008